Dıscover the most delıcıous way to organıc nutrıtıon!
We offer you the finest selection of fresh, healthy, and delicious organic fruit and vegetable juices.
We open the door to a world filled with delightful concoctions inspired by nature.
Why Choose Us

Organic and Fresh: Our fruits and vegetables are grown using entirely organic farming methods,
ensuring products that are free from chemical additives and respectful of your health.
Flavorful Variety: We provide a wide range of fruit and vegetable juice options to suit every palate.
Health and Well-being: We preserve the natural nutritional value of organic fruits and vegetables, so
every sip contributes to your health and well-being.
It is your natural rıght to know where your products come from
We do not allow GMOs or chemicals in our fields. Our farmers harvest by walking when the time
comes, minimizing the use of tractors and similar vehicles. This way, we do our best to protect nature
and you.
As you know, organic farming is a controlled and certified agricultural production method that
involves no chemical inputs from production to consumption. It takes a long time, up to five (5)
years, for a garden to become organic. Our gardens are inspected annually by international
organizations. Throughout this entire process, we support our farmers in every way possible.
The First Meeting with Soil
As our organic and traceable seeds prepare to meet the clean and pesticide-free soil for the first
time, our farmers eagerly anticipate the new harvest with the organic fertilizers and seeds we
provide them. We use traceable organic seeds and organic fertilizers
Today’s challenging market dynamics requires proactive and flexible solutions. Our
tailor-made approach is designed to adress our clients specific needs in creating custon
made products. Here are certain examples of our partners whom we create customized
products for their valuable brands.
Froods is commited to ensure the highest quality managament standarts throghout the entire
value chain, from purchase to production, storage and delivery. To do so, Froods conducts
supplier audits, performs self-audits and complies with international standards of food
product quality and safety.
Froods’ quality managament policy’s goal is to ensure its products safety, environmental
protection occupational and transportation safety.