Tropic Smoothie

Froods Smoothies
Blended to suit your taste.
Whenever you desire delicious fruits and vegetables…

Organic Apple Puree 17%, Organic
Orange Carrot Puree 16%, Organic
Apple Juice 15%, Organic Banana
Puree 12%, Organic Passion Fruit
Juice 10%, Organic Mango Puree
10%, Organic Pineapple Juice 10%,
Organic Coconut Juice 5%, Organic
Lemon Juice 5%.

Categories: , Product ID: 3717


Froods Smoothies
Blended to suit your taste.
Whenever you desire delicious fruits and vegetables…

Organic Apple Puree 17%, Organic
Orange Carrot Puree 16%, Organic
Apple Juice 15%, Organic Banana
Puree 12%, Organic Passion Fruit
Juice 10%, Organic Mango Puree
10%, Organic Pineapple Juice 10%,
Organic Coconut Juice 5%, Organic
Lemon Juice 5%.


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